Monday, December 27, 2004


Karen and I had a very busy Christmas this year. In three days we managed 7 family Christmas celebrations, church, and a little detour to Peru IL so that Jeff could propose to Kathy (btw she said yes ;). We have some pictures on from all of the activities including a visit from Santa Claus during the McEnaney celebration. We had a wonderful Christmas and we are looking forward to a great 2005.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Carbon Monoxide

We found out this weekend that this weekend our furnace has been leaking Carbon Monoxide. We have moved into our parents house until it can be fixed. We think it has been leaking for a while, we have been having headaches that have been lasting all day that would never subside no matter how much aspirin we took. Luckily Karen suggested that we should probably get some carbon monoxide detectors, later that night we realized that the whole house was filled with it.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

New member in the family

My wife and I recently brought home a new addition to our family, a dog named Ellie. She is a 4 year old Boston Terrier We adopted her from the local Adopt A Stray program. She was going to be euthanized if she did not find a loving home, luckily we found her in time. All of us are so very happy. I should have pictures sometime soon.

Website Created/Updated Finally !!!

I just recently launched the newest version of my website. Hopefully with more to come. Please check back in frequently, because I am never sure when I am adding things.